Laurie Gerber, president of Partners with Parents, said she started to get requests for in-home teachers about three or four years ago.
Pearl Meyer, president of Pearl Meyer & Partners, an executive compensation consulting firm, maps the world of top executives.
Trevor Davis, president of Davis & Partners, said his firm was studying the concerns expressed by the community and that the final environmental impact statement would be submitted shortly.
Jack Trout, president of Trout & Partners, a marketing consulting company in Greenwich, Conn., disagreed.
Her father is the president of Lawner Reingold Britton & Partners, a Boston advertising agency.
He was chairman of the Brazilian-American Cultural Institute and president of Partners of Brasília.
"It's the most overlooked part of the entire lease negotiations," said Richard Joynes, president of Hunter + Partners, a construction consulting firm in Manhattan.
"My feeling is, they had a well-known name that had no meaning anymore," said Jack Trout, president of Trout & Partners, a marketing strategy firm.
W. Marshall May, 57 years old, has become president of Bell & Partners, a four-year-old marketing services and sales promotion firm.
Her mother is the president of Bickford & Partners, an investment banking firm in New York.