The president did not include war costs in the budget he sent to Congress this month.
The president must include at least one member from each of the 36 states in his cabinet.
"We all have to work, the president included, to find a way to get this bill passed," he said.
Some children in the group, all 10 to 12 years old, thought the President should have included alcohol in his message.
"It is an irony that the President doesn't include himself in the camp of those who were part of the problem."
The presidents did not include it in the agenda.
Presidents born in the South and identified with the region include:
Presidents of the church for which no edition has yet been published include:
And the President included $11.7 million more for the $315 million project in the budget that he sent to the Congress last week.
The House measure would order $63 billion more in spending cuts over the next five years than the President included in his proposal.