Executive vice-president, Iowa State University, president emerita, University of Colorado System.
Claire Van Ummersen, Ph.D. is a distinguished American educator, administrator, and president emerita of Cleveland State University.
Changemakers was founded in 1994 by Sushmita Ghosh, the president emerita of Ashoka, and originally started as a magazine based in Calcutta, India.
In 2004, Agnes Gund, president emerita of the Museum of Modern Art, bought several works by Herrera and donated one of her black-and-white paintings to MoMA.
Jacqueline Powers Doud is president emerita of Mount St. Mary's College.
AGNES GUND, president emerita, Museum of Modern Art.
As of 2009, White is the president emerita of the Morris Animal Foundation, where she has served as a trustee of the organization since 1971.
Ms. Gund will become president emerita and chairwoman of the museum's International Council.
A day or two later, Mr. Rockefeller was joined by Agnes Gund, 66, the president emerita of the Museum of Modern Art.
The Welder Library was built in 1990 and is named for the university's president emerita, Sister Thomas Welder.