It received wide approval from the club members and the president of Santos, Raymundo Marques, based the club on the new colors.
Mark Andrew Murray (born July 5, 1954) is president of the Meijer chain of stores, based in Michigan.
Stanley O. Ikenberry, president of the American Council on Education, based in Washington, called the evaluation system trend-setting.
"These investigations are generally done very, very quietly," said Tom Norton, president of Fidelifacts, an agency based in New York.
Maybe not, but we ought to elect presidents based not only on their qualities, but also on what is the best for the nation.
Hank Cohen, president for West Coast operations, based in Encino, Calif., was named president.
"I was a friend and strong supporter for the president based on my affection and high regard for him," Mr. Reed said.
As the situation in Iraq moves from bad to worse, the president, based on his public comments, seems to be edging further and further from reality.
It's an unbroken executive order from successive presidents based on the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The national president of the Mahasabha, Himani Savarkar, also based in Pune, confirmed this.