Additional colonists from Europe or converted natives can result in population increases after food surpluses exceed a preset level.
Float switches are used to automatically turn the sump pump on when filled to a preset level.
The Terk volume regulator keeps the volume at the same preset level no matter what.
Once temperatures in a majority of these apartments reach a preset level, the computer turns off the heat.
A clamp prevents the voltage from exceeding a preset level.
When you start up the movie, the lights will go down to a preset level on their own.
When he takes his foot off the pedal again, the revs will fall back to their preset level again.
Most modern pacemakers are designed to function on demand; that is, they kick in only when the heart rate drops below a certain preset level.
Under the accord, Nynex could keep its profits if it met the commission's service requirements and kept prices below preset levels.
Compression reduces the height of the signal to a preset level.