During your visit, help preserve the Capitol's statues and other works of art.
For this reason many south Italian churches preserve works from France alongside their native pieces.
To preserve the memory and works of her Lord, she would do anything.
He was proud of the area's dance heritage, and did much in recent years to preserve works by San Francisco choreographers.
In addition to efforts to preserve works created in deteriorating formats format shifting is also necessary to keep works accessible.
"It's increasingly expensive to store and preserve works of art," he says.
Mr. Finlay said that the Beits' legacy was to preserve works of art in the context for which they were intended.
WMF describes its mission as "to preserve important historic architectural sites and works of art without regard to national boundaries".
Their mission, to establish relationships between themselves and the public, now extends far beyond preserving and displaying works of art or collections of natural history.
He helped preserve early industrial sites and modern works of sandstone architecture.