Democrats in the House, meanwhile, seem interested only in preserving their majority.
This November, there will be elections for 61 seats in the Senate, and the Republican Party is trying to preserve its slim four-seat majority.
The victory by Thomas P. Morahan preserves the Republicans' 36-to-25 majority in the Senate.
The Labour Party preserved its majority, and Blair became the first Labour Prime Minister to win a full second term.
Proponents also called the law a way to preserve Israel's Jewish majority.
"The Republicans in the House are going to be looking for ways to preserve their majority."
One is whether he can preserve the ruling party's majority in Assembly elections.
But it has won Republican sighs of relief in Washington, where the party's leaders fret over preserving their paper-thin majority in the House of Representatives.
Equally determined to preserve their majority, top Republicans are marshalling their forces behind their candidate, Maureen O'Connell.
It couldn't have had anything to do with election-year worries about preserving their majority, could it?