In turn, the information from each individual principal component (PC) can be presented graphically in synthetic maps.
While there is some textual output, most of the analysis is presented graphically.
When it is finally interpreted, the gauzy object has more staying power than it would have if it has been graphically presented.
These will typically be presented graphically as a Lorenz curve or in the form of an index such as the Gini coefficient.
However, when presented graphically, confidence intervals can be shown at several confidence levels, for example 50%, 95% and 99%.
This webpage poses a problem, the solution of which is the Lorentz transformation, which is presented graphically in its next page.
The trend is presented graphically in Fig. 12.2(b) and shows only minor fluctuations about a constant rate.
By this time, study of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram did not drive such developments but merely allowed stellar evolution to be presented graphically.
The entire structure of the charitable giving process is presented graphically with the diagram of a pyramid.
The results of statistical analysis will be presented graphically in various charts, showing the dependencies and/or the comparisons of the chosen aspects.