The presentation of these works suggests that the museum has opted for a purely aesthetic approach to art that was originally created for religious purposes.
This impressive presentation of 14 works suggests that Mr. Francis's best and most original efforts came not in the 50's, but in the early 60's.
And while initial Pentagon explanations noted the preliminary nature of the information, the Pentagon's presentation suggested greater certainty.
Your presentation of the report suggests that broad demographic and cultural changes have had more of an impact on test score trends than any recent educational initiatives.
Koolhaas and Balmond's presentation rendering suggested that the balloon would look like a transparent, shimmering soap bubble, which in reality it does not.
In short, the presentation suggested that Uganda had to do more than just educate its people.
I don't have to spell out what those presentations suggest.
The author's presentation of evidence suggests MacDonald is guilty as hell.
Clinical presentation of the common trichinosis symptoms may also suggest infection.
So what of the make-weights, as the presentation suggests we consider them?