These presentation drawings depict a variety of pneumatic building types, including housing, theaters, museums and other public buildings.
In their presentation drawings, the Pompidou's architects included images of soldiers in the Vietnam war.
All design proposals must include information such as presentation drawings, working drawings, or models that communicate design ideas and construction methods.
"There are presentation drawings and compositional sketches preparatory to a painting," Mr. Kunz said in New York, before leaving for the fair.
This is a presentation drawing; it was done on blue paper to make it attractive.
He also prepared presentation drawings for architect colleagues.
The gift included 5,540 original architectural drawings, 5,484 prints, 40 presentation drawings, 39 presentation sketches, and 63 sheets of photographic materials.
Basic presentation drawings typically include people, vehicles and trees, taken from a library of such images, and are otherwise very similar in style to working drawings.
Students "pin-up" their models and presentation drawings for instructors (and students) who offer constructive criticism.
In 1936 he made a set of presentation drawings for a building for a private client, Maison de la Publicite, that failed to reach completion.