In two earlier commemorative issues this year, we reprinted notable articles and photographs from 5,000 issues, selections from the past likely to interest present-day readers.
Recalling the incident 50 years later in her autobiography, Rogers half-jokingly chides her present-day readers.
But every one of these stories has something to galvanize or refresh the present-day American reader.
Clemens prepared a sketch of the Comstock variety, scarcely refined in character and full of personal allusion, a humor not suited to the present-day reader.
After all, making the past accessible to present-day readers is the goal of any popular historian.
The satire shows considerable learning, and was eagerly read by literary people; but it never became popular, and the allusions, always obscure, have little interest for the present-day reader.
He also composed an abridged version of Ramayanam in simple verse for the benefit of present-day readers.
During the 1790s, the accepted spelling of Manx was "Manks"; as a modern author writing for present-day readers, I prefer the current spelling.
In works of science fiction, their technologies are often so advanced as to seem magical or even godlike both to the human protagonists and to the present-day reader.
But they, like many present-day readers, will find it hard work in some ways.