Other classical economists presented variations on Smith, termed the 'labour theory of value'.
Passersby scattered and milled about, the faces of men, women, and children all presenting only slight variations on the basic theme of extreme surprise.
Its text presents many instructive variations.
Modifications and updates presenting variations of the branch continue, however.
The song's repertory presents variations in every continent.
They show Fauré at his most playful, presenting variations before the theme is heard and darting in and out of unexpected keys.
Tax protesters have presented variations of this argument, which the courts have ruled to be without legal merit.
The musculocutaneous nerve presents frequent variations.
Now he has returned for two recitals presenting all the Beethoven cello sonatas and variations, with Shigeo Neriki as pianist.
Climate in the Department of Cesar presents variations in climate depending on altitude, as well as rainfall precipitations.