While "the two main characters were sympathetically played... the series [itself] was critically undermined by presenting their relationship as a problem".
He identifies unavoidable references to Hiss only in footnotes, and finally presents their relationship in a brief flashback in the course of detailing the trials.
James presents their relationship with sympathy and insight, and the story reaches what some have considered the status of classical tragedy.
Why did you choose to present their relationship in this layered, or abstracted, way?
This image is borrowed from Hesse's novel Demian which presents the conflict between good and evil and its relationship to the individual.
While both the series and film depict the developing relationship of Tomoya and Nagisa, the film presents their relationship as central to the plot.
Indeed, during the F.B.I.'s internal inquiry, Mr. DeVecchio submitted an affidavit in which he presented his relationship with Mr. Scarpa as an appropriate law enforcement tool.
Accordingly, homophobia hovers on the edges and seeps into a few brief scenes, but it never presents any real threat to Flannery's delight in her newfound erotic life, or to her and Anne's relationship.
They also pointed out the disproportionate number of chaplains in the NDH armed forces and attempted to present in detail his relationship with the Ustaše authorities.
It presents Mr. Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, much as his memoir did, as a personal lapse, and it casts the impeachment that resulted as a symptom of a power struggle with the Republicans in Congress.