The campaigns will present arguments in court next Monday, and lawyers from both sides said they would expect a ruling within a couple of days.
It is expected to set the deadline before it presents him with a summary of the evidence against him next Monday.
But he said such agreement would not be reached by the time he presented his overall plan, probably next Tuesday.
The Association of National Advertisers said yesterday that the marketers would present their view next week at the association's annual television conference.
Incident in Jamaica The defense is to start presenting its witnesses next Tuesday.
A Pennsylvania couple who want genetic testing of a girl they believe is their daughter will get a chance to present their case next Friday.
The Commission will be presenting its legislative proposal next Wednesday.
We will present a full report on voluntary organisations and foundations next year.
He added that the "contact group" would present a detailed "incentives and disincentives package" next week.
Mexico would like to have an agreement reached this year and legislation presented to Congress next year.