He also composed a didactic poem, presenting in brief rimes for popular instruction and education the contents and spiritual lessons of each weekly portion of the Pentateuch.
Mr. Ferrer and Ms. Segarra had a public falling out in 1992 when she said teachers presenting lessons on AIDS should place more emphasis on abstinence than other forms of prevention.
In this book, the author presents powerful lessons in following one's passion and finding the career and jobs that you love.
Each episode of the serials would contain a limited vocabulary allowing teachers, who were given notes for the series, to present specific lessons with each episode in mind.
Outside these case studies, limited literature was found so the paper presented lessons learnt from shared value and interrelated business models to show how they developed and business strategies to engage with the bottom of the pyramid.
The failed attempt to make a foot hold in the Zaire presented various lessons to Cuba which were used in identifying better candidate nations, leaders and better opportunities for success.
The National Building Museum in Washington presents other lessons of history in the exhibit "Windows Through Time: American Windows From the 1630's to the 1930's," which will be on display through July 21.
The software - the only programs available to the high school - often presented junior-high-grade lessons and rarely matched classroom lesson plans.
On a slightly more elevated level, it presents a superficial introduction to African culture, lessons in drumming and 90 minutes of nonstop music, song and dancing by a good-natured cast.