This change should have been made by 30 June 2011, but the government failed to present appropriate legislation in time to make this deadline.
It presented legislation to this effect to Parliament but the 2001 General Election intervened.
Ultimately, however, he presented much weaker legislation.
Mr. Jacobson added that the department was still working on the details of the policy and would formally present legislation in the next few months.
Speaking before Parliament, the Japanese leader said that he would instead present legislation aimed at reducing the role of campaign funds in politics.
Other Member States will shortly present legislation to their parliaments.
I am happy that the Commission has spoken out on Doha and stated that it will present legislation in early 2004.
Why, then, are we presenting overlapping legislation, entailing yet more burdens, particularly for Member States that already have a well-functioning soil policy?
The government has said it will present legislation to dilute the power of the central bank governor and curtail his lifetime mandate.
In office, Palladini presented himself as a populist while presenting legislation which reduced government services.