"It would have been most indiscreet at the present juncture of affairs."
Repeatedly, observers in and out of the city said the present juncture was critical to the city's future.
Ah, now then - no mucking about getting there, don't need his life story - well, we may, but not at the present juncture.
"Yes, I think that we should be more useful there at the present juncture."
I believe this is something upon which all of us, from our widely diverse regions, really must continue to insist at the present juncture.
This remains an unresolved issue at the present juncture.
I am, of course, fully conscious of the problem, but at the present juncture this is the only answer I can give you.
At the present juncture, there are three main messages that we need to send:
We must be very realistic and acknowledge that, at the present juncture, the peaceful division of Sudan is in jeopardy.
But the fact remains that the conditions for lifting the ban at the present juncture have not yet been fulfilled.