An ancient art form of great charm and irresistibly raucous humor, presented in a stunning outdoor setting.
Presented correctly in an intimate setting, these performances should also be seen in the United States.
A third dream sequence presents the figure of a fanatic expatriate religious leader, the "Imam," in a late-20th-century setting.
The Night Shift is a concert series where classical music is presented in a relaxed and informal setting.
Each artist's work is presented in an intimate setting, accompanied by the artists' zingmagazine projects and statements as a complement to their work.
Dance - human movement either used as a form of expression or presented in a social, spiritual or performance setting.
We'll present these holidays in an educational setting.
The installation is presented in an appropriate setting, with representations of plants that existed during the Mesozoic Era.
This is a civilized dessert, presented in a quiet, adult setting.
What they suggest here is that the very dances they perform elsewhere can be presented in a theatrical setting.