It presents very small flowers, the male with 5 stamens, the female trifid style.
A tall stalk emerges from the centre of these to present large red, orange and yellow flowers.
Today of all days, he took the time to ride around Ueno Park with his lovely family and be presented flowers by a little girl.
In Thai style, the combat commanders presented flowers, but the military message was clear.
Throughout the show he was followed by a camera crew while he presented flowers, crops and how he maintained his garden.
The plant presents pink flowers sometime between October to December.
The plant presents white and pink flowers sometime between August to December.
Plants are monoecious and also presents hermaphroditic flowers occasionally.
They have been recognized to present different flowers and shorter rhizomes than Yushanias.
The leaf and flowerstalk appear from these to present several yellow flowers during July - December.