In one experiment, Dr. Tallal presented children with combinations of the same high and low tone and asked the children to repeat what they heard.
This viewpoint also presents children as mere commodities.
President Lyndon B. Johnson, presented Yabes' wife and children with the Medal of Honor in a ceremony held at the White House.
Well, after all, I had in my time presented various children with their appendixes or tonsils in a bottle, following surgery.
But presenting children as targets also taps into parents' deepest fears.
The packaging for the Max Steel MX99 Heli-Jet Vehicle presents children with a situation where a villain is attacking New York.
In all ads the King would present children with small gifts or buy them some Burger King food.
The reality is that more often than not serial monogamy presents children, as well as parents, with a stressfully discontinuous family life.
He proves this by presenting Deion's ex-wives and children in person.