In addition, their constant presence has generated job insecurity, many economists say.
He is media savvy enough to know that his mere presence in these tiny towns will generate positive publicity for his wife.
He said the Jacksons' presence would generate revenue that would make up the difference, but the city stood firm on some provisions.
Arranging for celebrities to attend opening nights is the job of the show's press agent, on the assumption that their presence will generate publicity.
It was quite palpable, as if the presence of the Choosers had generated its own electrical energy.
And the corporate presence at English High has generated tension as well.
His presence at a show generates a tremendous amount of fervor.
Whether the system's presence generates a conflict of interest is less certain.
I wasn't introduced, but my presence generated a sly interest.
Mr. Smith said he was simply too shy to face the attention that his presence would generate.