"It looked like we were in preseason practice."
"We'd have as few as 8 kids show up for preseason practice, and at times only dressed 20 for a game," he said.
A young football player collapses on the field in preseason practice and dies of heatstroke.
Nearly all occurred in preseason practice when the risk of severe dehydration and heat illness is high for anyone using a large amount of energy.
Collins averaged 16 points a game last season, despite suffering a shoulder injury in preseason practice.
As a child, he played football, in which two-a-day preseason practices are a staple.
Parcells said Reasons probably had missed 60 to 65 percent of the preseason practices.
When the traffic from Scottsdale made him late to a preseason practice or two, he moved closer to the downtown arena.
Wheatley looked more like the player he was before separating his right shoulder in preseason practice.
O'Connor alluded to college and high school rules about such matters as beginning preseason practice.