Oklahoma is the preseason favorite in the Big 12 South, according to a poll taken last week of news media representatives who cover the conference.
The Flyers, who open against Pittsburgh, were the preseason favorite of many.
The Eagles entered the season as one of the preseason favorites.
Harvard was the preseason favorite for the first time and spent most of the season receiving vote in the 2011-12 national rankings.
Miami, 9-3 last season, is a preseason favorite in the Big East.
On the women's side, Toledo was selected as the preseason favorite for both the regular season and the tournament.
With the return of the entire 2006 championship team, the Gators were named preseason favorites to repeat by many media pundits.
The pressure isn't on us, because we aren't the preseason favorites.
One of the preseason favorites, the Cardinals returned with an intact lineup.
Still to be heard from are the preseason favorites, Maine and Lowell.