However, Sam managed to rein it in, not by the traditional Washingtonian expedient of prescription pharmaceuticals, but rather through sheer force of will.
Of these products, 33 are prescription pharmaceuticals and six are over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals.
Ensuring the free movement of prescription pharmaceuticals throughout the union "is important for consumers, government finances and the single market," she added.
Neither Lori nor her father suspects Mrs. Zechlin's addiction because she abuses stolen prescription pharmaceuticals supplied by local drug dealers.
One time disallowance of deduction for advertising and promotional expenses for certain prescription pharmaceuticals.
The division specializes in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle.
In prescription pharmaceuticals, the company's most successful product to date has been the macrolide antibiotic clarithromycin.
Many prescription pharmaceuticals are sold on a per dose or tablet basis.
Critics of the current policy on drug diversion claim that the problem is exacerbated by a lack of public knowledge regarding the abuse of prescription pharmaceuticals.
Endo is a specialty pharmaceutical company engaged in the research, development, sale and marketing of prescription pharmaceuticals used primarily to treat and manage pain.