Over 35,000 residents in western Nevada now get their prescription coverage from Medicare.
In recent years, 12 other states have required insurance companies that provide prescription coverage to include birth control; nearly all contain exemptions for religious groups.
The law strengthens Medicare and will make prescription coverage for seniors more affordable.
Republicans are forcing seniors to deal with private insurance companies, which have said they will not offer prescription coverage.
Those just above that income level will get a substantial subsidy to help them afford prescription coverage.
In them, its members stand up, face the camera and say "I demand" things like prescription coverage.
"As long as you are a migrant worker, your dental, medical and prescription coverage will be paid for."
If you have prescription coverage, make sure you know the terms of your policy.
Under that bill's approach, Medicare would pay subsidies to private insurance companies to offer prescription coverage.
Although the administration says that 30 million people have prescription coverage, only 8 million voluntarily enrolled in a Medicare plan.