Iraq first tested the missile in 1997 under supervision of the previous team of international inspectors, which sought to ensure that the missile remained within the prescribed range.
Informally, a blob is a region of a digital image in which some properties are constant or vary within a prescribed range of values; all the points in a blob can be considered in some sense to be similar to each other.
But rather than count those calories, she receives menus that automatically keep them in the prescribed range.
But just as (in parallel parking) it's easier to get out of a parking place than into one, it's easier to destroy a planetary environment than to move it into a narrowly prescribed range of temperatures, pressures, compositions, and so on.
For the past two months, he has employed a supplementary private security detail for the organization's membership, which includes six hundred homes, and it seemed no accident, he thought, that this latest spree occurred just a block outside the prescribed range of his surveillance crew.
But under New York's sentencing laws, judges have no choice but to sentence defendants to a prescribed range of years for specific crimes.
Today, many styles begin to teach new students by focusing on exercises in which each student knows a prescribed range of combat and technique to drill on.
It is to provide evidence of the learning of practical skills and evidence that the prescribed range of competencies and topics have been covered.
This is because the material can suppress surface wave propagation within the prescribed range of forbidden frequencies.
If DO is below 4.0 mg/L, the solutions must be aerated moderately (approximately 500 mL/min) for a few minutes, using an airstone, until the DO is within the prescribed range ($ 4.0 mg/L).