It educates in grades preschool through 12.
The school serves grades preschool (age 3) through grade 12.
Licking Heights North has only two different grade levels, these being preschool and 5th grade.
Its enrollment is about 250 in grades preschool through 5th.
Programs are geared for grades preschool through 12.
"Ukiah, no preschool, kindergarten, first grade, or even college would let him in without proof of immunization."
Currently there are about 400 students enrolled in the district in grades preschool through 12.
"After college, I thought about writing but I taught preschool and first grade," she said.
In January 1993 the school had 60 students in grades preschool through six.
In 1994 the school had 75 students in grades preschool through 8.