Works featuring prepubescent boys are labeled shotacon, and seen as a distinct genre.
As the practice of altering prepubescent boys started to seem a rather brutal way to groom an opera star, castratos went out of fashion.
The clip shows the character as a prepubescent boy who delivers a high-pitched speech and then looks to his daddy for approval.
It was 1989, she said, when the prepubescent boy brought his "little suitcase" for the first of many stays.
Robert - 5 days ago She's in that "sweet spot" right now, being past puberty and wrestling prepubescent boys, and frankly she might stay here.
My fellow students were mostly prepubescent boys, with a few girls.
He was a general, and the one who had convinced the Government of Earth to put all its defenses under the control of one prepubescent boy.
They were accused of the murder and sexual mutilation of three prepubescent boys.
In this festival, a strong prepubescent boy is sent up into the mountains to live with the goats for the summer.
In modern times, women sometimes play the roles of prepubescent boys.