Believe me, my dear boy, I can smile at the thought of the preposterous charge against you.
Who could have imagined that it would be so difficult to defend against the preposterous charge of libel, when he was the injured party!
It was a preposterous charge from one of Mr. Lebed's most hated enemies, a man who has repeatedly referred to the peace settlement in Chechnya as "high treason."
I deny your preposterous charge, young Galad, and throw your foul lie in your teeth.
Leaving aside the fact that IBM would not even consider doing this and risking its credibility and reputation, it is a preposterous charge because whoever stepped in to help the machine would be a better player than Kasparov.
I have never seen such churlishness and incivility as in the officials of that railroad and the state lines which connect with it, or met with such preposterous charges.
"A preposterous charge you admit you can't prove," interjected Brayduck, sucking on his pipe as he approached the desk.
"Lori told us: 'I want another trial so that I can prove to everyone that I am innocent of these preposterous charges,' " Mrs. Berenson said.
As to the preposterous charge of the Protestants that to be a Catholic meant automatically that one was eager to take up arms for the Pope and against England, he had never heard such nonsense.
To this charge was added the accusation of magic and licentious orgies (a particularly preposterous charge, given the nature of Priscillian's doctrines).