Hanrott visited the Polytechnic in December to meet with senior staff and answer questions about procedures for the approval of CNAA courses, and throughout 1970 the Polytechnic was preparing submissions.
Watershed Victoria claimed that this was insufficient time for community groups to analyse the report and prepare submissions.
The Council prepares submissions to government, conducts court cases defending infringements of civil liberties, engages regularly in public debates, produces publications, and conducts many other activities.
Individuals who ensure regulatory compliance and prepare submissions, as well as those whose main job function is clinical affairs or quality assurance are all considered regulatory professionals.
The Council is very aware of the pressures placed upon voluntary officials in respect of drawing up development plans and budgets, and preparing annual submissions for grant.
As a result, clinical and nonclinical Data Managers will need to become proficient in the SDTM to prepare submissions and apply the SDTM structures, where appropriate, for operational data management.
Mr. Guttman and his lawyer are preparing submissions for the enforcement staff in an attempt to persuade the commission not to proceed with the case.
Tries to influence decisions made at the national level by lobbying, advising, and preparing submissions to politicians, committees of inquiry, government departments, industry and commerce, and wherever else appropriate.
The Sequin page has more information, a Quick guide, FAQs, and extensive help documentation on using Sequin to prepare submissions.
This work includes preparing and presenting submissions, organising and taking part in cycling promotion events and other advocacy work.