He is breaking some rules of thumb that for decades have dictated how trainers prepare their horses for the Derby.
Regardless, many upper-level riders prepare their horses for the short format using the same conditioning and training as for the long format.
So, bidding us dress for the road, he took a lamp (for the night had now fallen) and set off to the stable to prepare our horses.
But I don't like this part about how they prepared their horses better by racing them in California.
A day before the race, Ilderim prepared his horses.
I can't wait for the hostler to prepare your horses.
But trainers prepared their horses differently then.
After feeding his men and preparing his horses, Skanderbeg set off by moonlight for the Angevin camp.
Whether they will prepare their horses the same way is up for review.
To give you all time to prepare your horses and armor-and to digest this excellent dinner!