Psychiatrists, already alerted to the risks of computer fallout, are probably now preparing self-help guidelines.
It is also preparing new guidelines for political asylum.
The association has prepared a list of them, as well as guidelines on lighting, ventilation, siting and other considerations.
Several states are now preparing new opioid-dosing guidelines that may inadvertently worsen undertreatment.
(90) The Office has prepared guidelines to assist its examiners in determining the copyrightability of databases.
The Food and Drug Administration, which has been preparing tougher guidelines, could make it hard.
The ruling would be useful, he said, in helping him prepare guidelines on how to assess market power in future merger cases.
The Ethics Commission is also preparing guidelines to help authorities define who is a policy maker.
Therefore, it is the correct strategy at present for the Commission to prepare guidelines for state support.
In her veto, she directed the State Department of Education to prepare nutritional guidelines for districts.