At this time, the school became a co-educational institution dedicated to preparing boys and girls for entrance to college.
The school was formed in part to help prepare girls for further study or college in the Eastern United States.
It serves to prepare girls for additional education either at a university in Nigeria or elsewhere in the world.
This escapist environment does not prepare girls for their encounters with men later.
The school's focus was on preparing girls for careers as teachers and missionaries.
The camp prepares boys and girls 12 to 14 for work and careers by helping them set educational goals and get a summer job.
During the war, new home economics curricula were introduced to better prepare girls for the war effort.
Ms. Ackerman said athletic opportunity helped prepare girls and women for leadership and teamwork in business.
The locals scrambled to appease the volcano, preparing girls, pets, and flowers for sacrifice.
They remained largely rooted in Victorian values and preparing girls to be proper wives and mothers.