This apparatus was less than a quarter the size of the one his own people had prepared for the same purpose.
Social dining dates back to Ancient Greek cuisine when meals would be prepared for the purpose of gathering together during festivals or commemorations.
The nobles and ladies of their Majesties' suites were to dress, two by two, in chambers prepared for the purpose.
I've seen blueprints prepared for the express purpose of showing a client where to put her olive oil.
"You use a shotgun shell prepared for the purpose," Bolan answered.
Maurice then boarded the King's ship and filled the holes with wooden plugs he had previously prepared for the purpose.
It was evident that the room had been prepared for the very purpose of serving as a cell for himself.
The maturation tank may be fed with water that has been especially prepared for the purpose of accelerating the growth rate of the oysters.
The Court held that the certificates constituted testimonial evidence i.e. they were prepared for the purpose of a later criminal trial.
The memorandum has been prepared by [selling agent]solely for the purpose of providing selected information on a confidential basis to prospective investors.