Ms. Lewinsky spent much of the day with prosecutors from the independent counsel's office, who are continuing to prepare for her appearance before the grand jury.
He was not prepared for Charon's appearance.
Isabella had thought she was prepared for his physical appearance.
I didn't know a lot about the mechanics of preparing the dead for their last appearance, but I'd seen shows on movie makeup, and this looked similar.
I could have used more time to prepare for my first public appearance, but that was not to be.
Suanne Stein of Lindenhurst was also preparing for her first appearance.
He had prepared for The Shadow's appearance here.
He is preparing for his fourth consecutive appearance in the Super Bowl.
Both sides had spent much of the week preparing for his appearance before the Judiciary Committee on Thursday.
We have no more than a matter of weeks, as it is, to prepare for your appearance at the White House.