The merchant bank is usually responsible for co-ordinating the transaction and for preparing documentation.
In addition to emulation, other preservation techniques include storing the original work and machinery, making computer copies or preparing extensive documentation.
I went to a private agency for help in preparing documentation, and they suggested New York was best.
However, each organization should prepare appropriate documentation to demonstrate compliance with its policies and procedures for its system of quality control.
You have prepared, or caused to be prepared, false documentation, in an attempt to render me ineligible for the crown.
Some tax systems provide that taxpayers may avoid such penalties by preparing documentation in advance regarding prices charged between the taxpayer and related parties.
So I pulled over to prepare documentation and sent it to him in very short order.
While he was still in Meadville, he was asked to prepare legal documentation for a new railroad that would connect to the city.
He also helped workers who suffered injustice by preparing legal documentation for cases.
Require that an audit organization prepare documentation to demonstrate compliance with its policies and procedures for its system of quality control (par.