In addition to an annual conference, the association prepares briefs on issues related to graduate studies including supervision, funding, and professional development.
Miller and Green raced to Indianapolis, the state capital, where they worked through the night with attorneys there to prepare briefs.
In late afternoon, the judge, who will decide on the case in approximately three months, instructed both sides to prepare briefs.
"It has prepared and filed briefs in the name of the commission without the commission's advance review, let alone any commission input."
Prepare analytical reports, briefs, databases, studies, advisories, estimates, and evaluations.
Then the judge gave lawyers three days to prepare briefs on the disorderly conduct charge.
Students are not required to prepare briefs in order to compete for the oral advocacy national title.
Its research staff prepares analyses, briefs, and numerous reports approved and published by the Commission.
From the age of seventeen, Oriani-Ambrosini worked in the family law firm preparing written legal briefs and arguments.
The policy development program also prepares briefs to their partners and facilitates stakeholder engagement in the organization.