In one class in late November, Belinda Sifford divided students into teams to draw up prenuptial contracts.
"As with a prenuptial contract, one written now will help the two of you clarify how you feel about equality in marriage and enrich your communication."
It's a prenuptial contract.
A prenuptial contract is simply a sensible, premarital step.
But I have never understood your objection to a prenuptial contract.
Among the issues addressed are the advantages and disadvantages of a prenuptial contract, rights of husbands and wives to incur debts for each other, tax information, and questions on parenthood and custody.
In Judaism, the ketubah, a prenuptial contract, has long been established as an integral part of the Jewish marriage, and is signed and read aloud at the marriage ceremony.
State-proposed prenuptial contracts give women the right to initiate divorce proceedings.
During the preparation of a prenuptial contract, Simon's current wife, Diane Lander, a former actress and model, imposed one condition: Simon could not write about her or her daughter in her lifetime.
He is a strict vegetarian and reads food labels as carefully as some other people read prenuptial contracts.