In high-risk areas like Dade County, which includes Miami, premiums have more than doubled.
His premium has doubled in the past year, and he faces another increase by summer's end that he does not think he can pay.
Individual premiums would probably double or more over the next six years - making coverage unaffordable for many low-income families.
Even so, their premiums, now $268 a month, have doubled over the last five years.
The number of Americans without health insurance has grown by seven million, while average premiums have nearly doubled.
Dr. Doshi says premiums for her clinics have doubled primarily because of mammography.
Even if premiums doubled or tripled, he said, "Medicare would represent a very good deal."
Some doctors who have been sued are seeing their premiums doubled and tripled.
When Chubb wrote up their new policy, the Karnovskys saw that their premiums had doubled.
Under both bills, the monthly premium, now $46.10, would double over seven years, reaching $90 to $93 in 2002.