Contrary to stereotype, and to what she herself says, she is not prematurely old and hardened.
For asynchrony at the other end of life, he gave the name progeria, from the Greek for "prematurely old."
The woman (W) is described in the notes as "Prematurely old.
He was a prematurely old young man, with a sharp, shrewd face and a perpetual frown.
The romantic hero was a very young-looking man, prematurely old and still quite sick when the romance came.
He looked prematurely old, and bowed with cares.
His face looked prematurely old and careworn in the red light of the fire.
Many looked prematurely old, looking twenty years older than they were.
Kinabalu looked at him, studying his reached hair, the face which seemed to be prematurely old, the lines too deep for the youthful skin and eyes.
It is only natural that Molly should become suspicious, pinched, dour, prematurely old, even a touch tyrannical.