This premature explosion was obviously an accident, as it killed many German soldiers as well.
They had feared dropping it and triggering a premature explosion.
However, a premature explosion injured some of them.
Over 600 French 75mm guns were destroyed by premature explosions in 1915, and their crews killed or injured.
They'd have blasted the Niccola to bits but for their premature explosions.
Recchi lost his left hand to a premature explosion, but he kept making bombs.
One of the guns was destroyed by a premature explosion in this action, with 1 gunner killed and 2 wounded.
But Palestinian security officials said the man's death was caused by the premature explosion of a bomb he had been handling.
Such a premature explosion might not have killed his plan, but it would've crippled it.
It was his marital affection that had received the greatest shock from the premature explosion.