The coordinated fireworks are triggered by computer, and the premature discharge was blamed on a corrupted computer file.
The regulations were implemented to respond to the perception of premature discharge of medical and surgical patients under the diagnosis-related-groups method of reimbursement.
This prevented accidental premature discharges.
Also, some prominent people under the pressures of their careers can insist on a premature or temporary discharge from the hospital.
A dented or bent body of the firearm may cause jams or premature discharge of ammunition.
The apparent purpose of such premature discharges is to "minimize losses on patients whose hospital costs" may exceed the amount paid by Medicare, it said.
Mr. Kusserow said his study indicated premature discharges occurred less frequently than many doctors and members of Congress had asserted.
For example, an 85-year-old woman who was admitted for rehabilitative care demanded premature discharge to her primitive cottage with a dirt floor and an unreliable furnace.
A premature discharge while the barrel was pointed skywards would tear it off its carriage, wreck the gun emplacement and kill or maim the gun-crews.
Just what had caused the premature discharge could never be learned, as part of the firing apparatus had been blown to atoms.