The final consisted entirely of a single voluntary routine, with no preliminary scores being carried over.
Her preliminary scores put her in 11th place, only a spot away from the top 10.
I award your troll a preliminary score of 4/10, with more coming if someone bites hard.
Instead, winners and finalists of these events will be awarded bonus points to their preliminary scores.
Her 9.477 still is the highest televised combined preliminary score in the pageant's history.
Spellers had to spell 50 words, but only 25 counted toward each speller's preliminary score.
It is unclear which preliminary scores announced were correct.
Of 377 officers provisionally promoted to sergeant last month, based on the preliminary scores, all but 20 were white.
The 12 men's and women's qualifiers start from scratch in the finals, with the preliminary scores thrown out.
Brown made the top ten in the nationally televised pageant, with the seventh highest average preliminary score.