"We submitted a preliminary objection for clarifications on every aspect of the case but the court rejected it," Abebe said.
For 30 days following notification, any of the parties in the case may submit a brief containing preliminary objections to the application.
If it deems necessary, the Court can convene a hearing to deal with the preliminary objections.
Otherwise, in the interests of procedural economy, it can deal with the parties' preliminary objections and the merits of the case at the same hearing.
In R v Griepe, accused gave evidence on behalf of the Crown in 1970 on a preliminary objection into a charge of blackmail.
Any challenger has until Monday to file preliminary objections.
Before evaluating this argument two preliminary objections will be noted.
The league filed preliminary objections to have the suit dismissed, but were overruled by the court.
He was gone in an instant; and the Marchioness, returning from lighting him down-stairs, reported that the pony, without any preliminary objection whatever, had dashed away at full gallop.
Judgment on preliminary objections (1995)