Regarding "Taking the Proper Measure of a Man" (May 20): Barbara Klaus's article is full of prejudicial statements and insulting remarks in regard to our male counterparts.
"In essence, we are saying that Mr. Merola interfered with our constitutional right to a fair trial by prejudicial statements he made to the press," Mr. Geiser said.
When a justiciable issue arises, the decision-maker must give the parties a fair opportunity to present their cases and to correct or contradict any relevant statements prejudicial to them.
The Judge was in control here, and presumed able to ignore prejudicial statements.
Ultimately, the editor of PNAS acquiesced to publication, writing to Duesberg: "If you wish to make these unsupported, vague, and prejudicial statements in print, so be it.
"This is a possibly prejudicial statement," Stewart says, "but I think his biggest curse is making too much good music."
The Reardon report also recommended that judges punish journalists, among others, who disseminate prejudicial statements in a trial.
But the triumphs of the civil rights movement of the 1960's, and the feminist and homosexual-rights movements that followed, made prejudicial statements less tolerable in mainstream society, almost taboo.
His writings are also full of prejudicial and often deeply antisemitic statements.
WBC sought a mistrial based on alleged prejudicial statements made by the judge and violations of the gag order by the plaintiff's attorney.