"This arises from the requirement in British law that prohibits publication of prejudicial information about the defendants prior to trial."
The appellate court ruled that his lawyer had conflicts of interest in representing him, and that the jury had been exposed to prejudicial information during its deliberations.
Thus the Regulations aim to ensure that useful information will be passed on but possibly prejudicial information will not.
Judge Matsch responded by ordering them to file any potentially prejudicial information under seal.
Yesterday, the judge in the case described news organizations as "irresponsible" and said they were disseminating incorrect and "prejudicial" information to the public.
The committee's 20-month investigation of criminal trials found that much of the prejudicial information originated from lawyers and police officers involved in criminal cases.
The Simpson case has seen an unprecedented amount of prejudicial information being leaked by various police sources to the media.
Farai Maguwu was arrested on charges of publishing information prejudicial to the state.
Some legal experts said, however, that the claim by Mr. Timmendequas's lawyers was different because prejudicial information like media reports might be discounted as inaccurate.
The defense stated that the delay was due to possible prejudicial information in a television segment about the case to be aired on November 2.