In the Grottadacqua district, a Micenean necropolis with prehistoric Sicanian domed tombs.
He then studied for an MA in archaeology, writing his thesis on the prehistoric tombs of County Clare.
As I passed through the low doorways from one shadowy chamber to another, I might have been exploring a prehistoric tomb, and the depredations of robbers long since gone.
The Archaeological Museum includes important bronze statues of warriors and priests found in prehistoric tombs.
The Tombs of Malta are a series of prehistoric tombs in the Maltese archipelago.
That life on Malta was flourishing more than 5,000 years ago is clear from the remains of prehistoric tombs and temples found all over the island.
A collection of sarsen stones north of the village may be a prehistoric tomb but is more likely a natural group.
Russia's megaliths: unearthing the lost prehistoric tombs of Caucasian warlords in the Zhane valley.
Special recreational locations include several prehistoric tombs and the fish lakes of Ahlhorn.
And then there are the prehistoric tombs of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, which you must see, not for the lowly, but royalty.