He died in January 1877, leaving a pregnant widow and seven young children.
His widow, now seven months pregnant, is still waiting to be told the full details surrounding her husband's death.
It's a "strange ride with the pregnant widow", as the narrator says, and for stretches of it, the reader is happy to tag along.
Maddie is both pregnant and a widow, having recently lost her husband in a fishing-boat accident.
Elizabeth is left a pregnant widow.
Partly, it comes from things like walking to the rear of the church after Sunday Mass and seeing four pregnant widows waiting for a hopeful word.
Gilligorm's pregnant widow was captured by the Frasers and soon gave birth to a child.
His father died on 7 March 1779, leaving behind his pregnant widow.
The Duke of Calabria died the same year his youngest daughter Maria was born, leaving behind a pregnant widow.
It was then decided to wait until his pregnant widow, Clementia of Hungary, delivered the child.