It would appear MultiCor's members will not relinquish their preferred status in the near future.
Turkey will again be the underdog, but that has become a preferred status in this upside-down World Cup.
But she said the partnership "is not unlike other agreements common in the industry that provide 'preferred status' for branded drugs."
In the meantime, he had gotten an inkling of the reason for his preferred status.
Within such a view of life-as-a-whole, humans can occupy no preferred status as a pinnacle or culmination.
Not only are there vigilantes in blue but, as we have seen, a special and preferred status before the law granted to police.
However, more than one in four voters abstained from answering the question on the preferred alternative status.
In addition, miles earned go to preferred status and you get pre-boarding privileges (a must for those with carry-on luggage).
The brief asked the court to rule that religious expression had a "preferred status" under the First Amendment.
Congress has 60 days to review the President's decision to renew that preferred status.