It is presumably the preferred reading now.
One may read the text in the way it is intended (which would be a preferred reading) or one may interpret it differently.
Morley (1992) says that "creators of media content have a preferred reading that they would like the audience to take out of the text.
The Champion, he said, would be "a strange place to publish a hit list," since it is presumably the preferred reading of defense lawyers, not professional gunmen.
Hall argued that the dominant ideology is typically inscribed as the 'preferred reading' in a media text, but that this is not automatically adopted by readers.
Theo, they said, sometimes preferred reading and doing arithmetic to watching television.
The shot is still open to a greater reading than a CUC, however; although the angle imposes a preferred reading (someone is looking down from on high).
With protestors chanting as a backdrop and the smell of burning, my preferred reading in the ruins is Mike Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius stories.
The preferred readings for these sentences are the ones indicated by the underlines and small subscripts.
This right interpretation can be called the preferred decoding or preferred reading.